How to become a better developer in 30 days

This is the main post on a series about how to become a better developer in 30 days. If you would like to keep up to date with the topics that I am covering, just click on the links bellow:

Day 2: Write Shorter Methods

Hi, this is the second part of  a series of posts on 30 tips to becoming a better developer. If you would like to keep up to date with the topics that I am covering, just check the main post.

Today I will talk about a technique that made my code to improve in a fantastic way, probably more than anything else that I had tried before: writing shorter methods. The technique is so simple and so useful that I don’t understand why everyone isn’t REQUIRED to do this.

Why Short Methods?

The main idea behind using short methods is that you keep yourself from doing too much in any one location. If you ever tried to write more than a few lines of code in any method you most certainly were mixing levels of abstraction, which ultimately leads to methods that are difficult to understand and to maintain.

For example, consider a method that updates information about employee salaries. If the same method is writting information to the database, it is trying to do two things at once. So, if you change the code to update salaries you will need to change the method. The same happens if the database changes. That is, if you add different responsabilities to a method you make it more unstable, just because there are more reasons for it to change.

On the other hand, when you have methods that are really short, you are required to go straight to the central issue that you are trying to solve. No space for secondary concerns exist.

It all boils down to the issue of using the right abstraction level. With long methods, abstractions are not well maintained because you may spend too much space with instructions that are a level bellow from where you are working.

What is Wrong with Long Methods?

Long methods are bad in a lot of ways. It would require a lot of space to write all that I don’t like about long methods, but here are some of the most important issues:

  • Long methods are difficult to understand. With size comes complexity, and if you are maintaining code where methods are huge, you need to be very careful about side effects. Remember, all local variables are in practice global inside the scope of a method. If you have lots of things going on, it is difficult to see what the collateral damages might be.
  • Long methods are hard to optimize. Even after you make you long method correct, it is difficult to make the changes necessary to optimize it. For example, if you decide that a certain variable is used in a wrong way, you still need to spend time proving that everything works after a change. A simple change like this may create bugs that you will take a long time to notice.
  • Long methods obscure the intention of the code. Since in a long method you are certainly going into more detail than necessary, you are creating code in two or more levels of abstraction. This also contributes to make the code difficult to understand.
  • Long methods can slow down your code. This is true if you are using a manged language such as Java or C#. These languages use JIT engines that transform methods into executable code. However, a long method takes longer to convert into native code than a short one. Also, long methods will have parts that may not be used frequently, so there is no justification for compiling it, other than the fact that it is part of the long method.

How short is short enough?

This is a subjective issue of course, and as such there is no clear answer. However, I like the guideline that 10 lines is already too much. This is a guideline used by Robert Marting in his books. I think it is a very reasonable rule of thumb, but for me it is more of an upper limit. Methods with 3 to 6 or 7 lines are even more interesting, because they condense the main ideas of the abstraction you are trying to convey.

Additional Advantages

Short methods also make some other things easier, like creating good method names. Since the method is allowed to do only a small number of actions, it is easier to figure out what it is doing — and thus given it a proper name.

Another area that is positively affected by short methods is testing. It becomes much easier to see the cases that should be tested when there is just a small number of operations involved. Instead of trying to cast a big net over a sea of options, testing small method tends to be a much more focused experience.


I think that this item covers a practice that, by itself, has the potential of making your code much better. Writing small methods helps with separating the different concerns of your application. It gives a simple guideline that helps on making decisions about how code should be organized. It also helps in eliminating many of the problems in the areas of testing, revising, and maintaining existing code.

Additional Reading

  • The first book that really showed me the importance of small methods was Clean Code, by Robert Martin. It covers a lot of ground in matters of code organization, which I believe are essential.
  • Another book that explains why long methods are bad is Effective C#, which will convince you that such methods can slow down managed code in languages like C#.

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Day 1: Read Other People’s Code

This is day one of our series on how to become a better developer in 30 days. During this series, I will discuss during one month 30 ways for anyone to become a better developer.

Today, I would like to talk about something that few people do voluntarily: reading other peoples code.

Writing good code is the goal of most developers, but what we sometimes forget is that in order to become good writers we also need to be good readers. This is just a reality that has been verified since elementary school, when we first learned to write our language by reading how other writers do their job.

Separating Good and Bad

What makes things a little more complicated for developers is the simple realization that there is huge amount of bad code out there. In fact, without any fear of offending anyone, I can say that most code out there is BAD code. By that, I don’t mean just code that barely works, but also code that was not made for “human consumption”, usually as a result of being written under the time pressure to make a release possible.

While this is sadly the most frequent case (for reasons that have mostly to do with the realities of the software industry), this doesn’t mean that developers cannot find good examples of code to read.

In fact, I believe that just the opposite is the case. For example, many available open source programs are written at a high quality level, and could very well be read just for the leaning experience. The Linux kernel is certainly a case in point. The whole kernel is really large, but the central routines are really well maintained and are in used by many schools as a live example of operating system internals.

Another case in point is software written as literate programs. Literate programming is a term created by Knuth for programs that are written is a style similar to an essay.  In such a style, programming language code is secondary to the description of the algorithm in English. Code enters the picture only as a concrete illustration of the comment section. That code is later on be processed by literate programming tools and transformed into an executable artifact. A classic example of literate program is the source of TeX, the typesetting software used by most mathematicians and computer scientists.

What to Look For

Whatever the style of the program you are reading, it is important to make sure that you are learning new techniques. Thus, it is important to read programs with an objective, such as to understand a new programming paradigm, or to learn how to work well with a new API. In these cases, reading code may be a much more efficient way of learning a topic than reading documentation.

One thing that I wished existed in the software development world is a catalog of software that would be interesting to read. Most APIs come with some sample code, which usually is not enough to teach anything useful. An alternative would be a resource where we could list good software to read if you want to learn a specific technique or concept. For example,  to learn how to write a kernel you can read the Linux kernel, or the MINIX. What would be good sources to learn compilation techniques, or the inner working of a database? Let me know if you ever found a resource answering these questions.


To become good writers it is important to read what really works. Sadly, developers don’t take the time necessary to read what other people are doing. What contributes to this issue is the problem that most code is of low quality. I believe that despite this, it is still possible to find a lot of interesting code to read. In the future, we might have a library of open source code that would be voted as great examples for each major technique and concept in software development. I believe this is a fun and useful way to learn how to write better software.

Further Reading

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