Tips to Read Other People’s Code

Reading code is a basic skill that working programmers need to acquire in order to work on development teams. It is really hard to expect that you will work in isolation of other people’s code. Therefore, reading code is a skill that can make you much more productive.

Although it not easy to learn this quickly, a few tips can help with getting the most of any piece of code. Some of these ideas have helped me to understand large projects over the years.

  1. Understand the program first: it is pretty difficult to understand code for a program if you don’t know yet what it does in the first place. You should try to get used to how the program works before digging into its code.
  2. Read with a goal in mind: the same way it is easier to understand a book if you are trying to answer a concrete question, a similar state of mind will work for reading code. Start with a specific goal and try to answer it. For example, a question such as “how is the screen repainted” can lead you to understand better what you are reading.
  3. Understand the conventions of the platform/language: the way code is organized depends heavily in the language used, and on the requirements of the platform. For example, the way C++ code for Windows is organized is different from C code for XWindows. If we talk about web applications, this is even more dependent on the framework used.
  4. Use a debugger to acquire dynamic information: a debugger can be of great help in understanding code paths that are difficult to grasp (especially in OO languages). Just put a breakpoint in part of the code you want to study. When the breakpoint is hit, check the call stack. This will show you how a piece of code was called and how objects communicate.

Further Reading

The idea of literate programming was promoted by Knuth in his book Literate Programming.

The Linux kernel is a classic example of code that has been read for its own qualities. Understanding the Linux Kernel is one of the many books that explore this fact.

The Way a Program Starts in Windows

If you write a program in C/C++ for Windows, you are very close to the interface with the operating system. For this reason, it is also interesting to have some idea of what it is doing.

There are two main types of Windows programs: graphical programs and console-based programs. The way Windows determine what kind of program you are trying to create is by a flag it stores inside the executable. This is also called the “subsystem” in which the program will run.

To determine the subsystem in visual C++, one has to set an option in the linker section. This will determine what Windows will see as the subsystem for that program.

Depending on the subsystem, Windows will call one form or another of the C library function that starts a program. The name of this function is also configurable (usually it is __tmainCRTStartup), and it can be changed from the linker section of VC++.

First Steps of a Program

The initialization function in the C library does just a little bit of work that is required by the C run time. One of the most important is to initialize the heap, so functions like malloc and the operator new can work properly.

The initialization function also sets some common values used by the system, such as environmental variables, and the version number of Windows.

Finally, __tmainCRTStartup calls the main function declared by the Windows program. Usually this is called WinMain, but it can be some variation of this depending of the version of Windows and if you are using ANSI or Unicode.

When a program returns from the main function, the initialization function cleans up the heap and returns to the operating system.


Understanding const pointers and variables in C++

In modern C++, we are used to see const pointers. They are a useful way to avoid changes in memory passed to a function. As such, they are very common in function declarations.

The const word, however, has other uses. It turns out that when the const keyword is applied to the pointer itself (instead of the contents of the pointer), the const modifier is also very useful.

When we say, for example, const Type *t, we are saying that the contents of the object pointed by t cannot be changed. However, we can just as well say Type * const t, which means that the pointer t is unchangeable.

For example, check the following code:

int main() {
   int i, j;
   const int *p = &i;
   // *p =0; // ERROR: cannot modify the memory pointed by p
   p = &j;

   int * const q = &i;
   *q = 0;
   // q = &j;  // ERROR: cannot modify the pointer q
   return 0;

   int const k = 0;
   // k = 1;   // ERROR: cannot modify the variable k


See that Type * const t may be a syntactical clue for how the code is organized, because in short methods we usually don’t want to have variables and pointers changing. Thus, in such a case we should avoid having variables that are not const.

Understanding const Syntax

The reason for the difficulty of understanding the behavior of expressions such as Type * const t is due to the complexity of the C++ syntax.

Notice that the example const int k can also be written as int const k (as shown above). This denotes that the const modifier is intended to the variable.

When we have a pointer, however, we can also have a const memory location, which is represented as Type * const p. The const attribute is now referring to the content of the pointer, and this is indicated by having it after the * operator.

To simplify the notation, a better way to write const attributes is to make this difference explicit as in the examples bellow:

Type const * p; // can't modify what p points to
Type * const q; // can't modify q itself
Type const * const t;// can't modify neither t or point value

As a quick tip to remember the correct syntax, always keep the const close to the * operator, to make its meaning easier to understand.